
14 03 2022

Winner _Petite-Vallée Song Festival Contest _ Théâtre de la Vieille Forge

in situ atelier d’architecture, in collaboration with Lucie Paquet architect and the Gaspé firm VRA, is the winner of the competition for the new performance hall for the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée!
Facing the sea and parallel to the rocks that protrude into the St. Lawrence, the new Théâtre de la Vieille Forge in Petite-Vallée will stand like a new lighthouse on the Longue Pointe.
Playing with the forms, colors and techniques of maritime vernacular architecture, the new Théâtre de la Vieille Forge will be inserted organically into the landscape. The human-scale project will offer meeting places facing the sunset, thanks to a two-story foyer and a glassed-in café-bistro offering a magnificent view of the sea. Festival-goers and citizens will have access to a multi-configured performance hall (including stalls and balconies) with 150, 300 or 450 seats, allowing for an intimate relationship between artists and spectators.
A waterfront promenade and a large tiered terrace descending to the sea will offer visitors an inspiring maritime experience, as well as being conducive to community and artistic gatherings.